Lifemania is real and some people don't realize it.

Lifemania is real and some people don't realize it.

For years I've noticed a phenomenon. Something so obvious and yet, at times, it goes unnoticed. 

It's the cusp of dawn and still raining heavily. On a rural dirt path, a determined woman is running with mud bogged track shoes, splattering a random pattern onto her legs and up her back. She couldn't be happier.

In the extreme heat, a cyclist pounds through a 90k ride, while others seek an air conditioned retreat.

It may be sub 30 on a ski hill somewhere in Canada, but you wouldn't know it by the swaths of powder lovers.

What is that drive that makes someone set a priority of physical activity to achieve euphoria?

Lifemania. The excessive enthusiasm for life. 

Even if you are not obviously driven, take another look within. It's in there somewhere. No matter what your passion is - running, hiking, climbing, kayaking, snowboarding, cycling, or shredding the skateboard - find it and make it part of your life. There is no better feeling than being active and enjoying the post activity rush.

Find your inner Lifemania and we ask...WHAT ENTHUSES YOU? 

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